Monday, October 13, 2008

Our weekend with Rylie!!!

Last April Macie got to have a special weekend at Rylie's house and now it was our turn to have Rylie at our house. We were SO excited to have her and Macie couldn't wait to see her again. Macie and Rylie are the kind of best friends that it doesn't matter how much time has passed since their last visit, they just pick up like they saw each other yesterday. It is so sweet! It's also bittersweet to think that Macie and Rylie have been best friends since they were Lindsie's age. It is so awesome that they have so much love for each other! As much fun as the girls had together, I think Macie got a little irritated that Averie and Lindsie were on their heels the entire time. Averie doesn't know life without Rylie and she thinks she should be able to do whatever the big girls are doing. Lindsie just wants to be a part of ANYthing the big girls do, so Rylie is no exception. She just couldn't figure out where "Alligator" was! For two, she's got this thing down - Jessica, Alligator and Ellis are a part of the package too!

Anyway, for a short visit, we covered a lot of ground. The girls played hard all morning long and then we went to Macie's soccer game. After that, we had ice cream at Braum's, drove by Rylie's old house and then went to Macie's elementary school to play on the playground. Rylie reminded us that we HAD to go see the peacocks, so we did that too... After dinner and a bath the girls wanted to watch a movie, but we got our beds ready first and none of them made it past that! They were worn out (and so was I)!!!

Sunday we had a little more time with Rylie and then she headed back home. Hopefully this will become an annual tradition, we really enjoyed our time with Ry Ry, it's never long enough.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Are you scared???

We finally decided what we are going to dress up as for Halloween!!! Since the outfits are new and novel, I can't find a good enough hiding place to put these so the girls won't put them on and ruin them before the big day arrives. I think they are happy with what they picked out...what do you think?

I would have preferred Macie and Averie had different costumes, but they insisted AND agreed that it was okay to both be cats. Lindsie is just happy to have a costume. Thank goodness! The mask that goes with the cat costume pushes Averie's nose down so far the poor kid can't breathe, but "it's okay Mom, I don't mind"...sure Averie!